Tag für Lehrende 2024 der FHStP


⚡ E3UDRES2 I Living Lab

#Interdisciplinarity #Internationalization #InnovativeLearningFormat


Christina Tanzer

How does it work?

The European University E3UDRES2 offers various learning formats. They differ in duration, didactic approach, degree of interdisciplinarity – but nevertheless pursue a common goal: to promote international cooperation for learners and teachers.

In my lightning talk at the “Day of Teaching and Learning | Inverted Classroom and Beyond 2024” I want to focus on one of these formats: the E3UDRES2 I Living Lab. This innovative Design Thinking lab offers the framework for an intensive examination of socially relevant topics. Together with regional stakeholders and students from all nine E³UDRES² partner universities, students develop innovative solutions for relevant challenges, focusing on “Smart & Sustainable Regions”. Along the way, they gain essential future skills and international competences. Coaches, so called Educational Entrepreneurs, accompany the students in this interactive environment. The method of Design Thinking structures the creative solution-finding process.
